Charles Peek is a professional storm chaser and reporter for The Weather Channel (TWC). He travels across the country chasing many different types of weather. While mainly in search of the severe storms that contain tornadoes, Peek also chases lightning, flooding, winter storms and any form of weather that may impact the lives of people.
Charles Peek Discusses Storm Spotting and The Gear he Uses
Peek first became seriously interested in weather while in high school, after seeing on the front page of the newspaper a picture of the terrible tornado that hit Wichita Falls in 1979. The image had a house almost completely destroyed but on the kitchen table was a bowl of eggs unharmed.
Charles Peek travels about 60,000 miles a year spotting and chasing storms. While photography is his love and passion, almost all of the media that he does for TWC is video based, with much of it live streaming and drone.
While Charles Peek is a full-time independent contractor for The Weather Channel, his work has also been used nationally on programs such as Good Morning America and other major networks to include ABC, CBS, FOX and NBC.
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